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Problems MMU2S  

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Problems MMU2S

Veröffentlicht : 05/06/2020 6:07 am
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Problems MMU2S


I am printing for a while without much problems. Just after a while a new nozzle change.

But since i buyd the mmu2 kit , i have uncountered a lot of problems.. Mostly fillement problems. 

in the beginning of the mm2u it was broken filament. But then the prints where ok. 

But the last month i am having a lot of problems that the prints are going wrong at the middle or end of the print time. 

Or the printer is printing without enough filament adding at the end of the print. So you the object is not fully finist.

Yesterday i was searching the forum for more info and i tried to test with  less of the tension of the 2 screws that hold the wheels down on the mm2u. I cleaned everything back, because the transmision wheels where dirty and it damages the filament. (See atteched)

I looked this morning but the print was failed. I don't know anymore what i need to do. I have a lot of failed object and need to get the printer back started. Help Please 🙂  

Thanks, best regards, Koen Belgium

Veröffentlicht : 05/06/2020 6:07 am
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Problems MMU2S

Veröffentlicht : 08/06/2020 6:00 am
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Problems MMU2S


Again a lot of failed prints.. But it switched to printing no filament while still moving around and give message mmu needs attention.. Does anybody know what this can be?? 

I even tried to put my best nozzle in and do the first layer test again. (ruby nozzle) this was perfect, but everytime at the half distance or end off the print time it goed wrong..  

I also notices that the first layer isn't that smooth anymore. In the past it was Always perfect! 

Could it be with the new firmware of the mmu2 that there is a problem?

Could i be the new Slicer version why the first layer isn't that smooth anymore??  I know that at this moment i tried everything and its very frustrating...  before the mmu2s and the firmware everything was perfect... 

Hope to get rid of this problem soon.  Thanks, Best Regards, Koen 

Veröffentlicht : 08/06/2020 6:09 am