Is the S-Holder Lever an official replacement for the buffer?
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Is the S-Holder Lever an official replacement for the buffer?  

Gilly Barr
Is the S-Holder Lever an official replacement for the buffer?

I just noticed that the Prusa eshop is selling this "s-holder lever" (in the MMU2S printed parts) which seems to be a possible replacement for the buffer.

This seems to be the part that is sold:

But I looked in the instructions and haven't seen anything about this mentioned anywhere..
Is this a good solution to replace the buffer with?
Was this once supplied with an older version of the MMU? Or possible does this belong to a newer version and the online instructions just aren't updated yet?

Thanks in advance! Gilly.

Postato : 29/01/2021 10:13 am
Terry Sherman
Active Member
RE: Is the S-Holder Lever an official replacement for the buffer?

I believe that mechanism was the predecessor to the buffer.

Postato : 29/01/2021 12:21 pm
Gilly Barr
Topic starter answered:
RE: Is the S-Holder Lever an official replacement for the buffer?


Do you know if they replaced it with the buffer because it didn't work as good?
It seems so much smaller, compact and easier to handle than the buffer... I'm really trying to save my 'desktop real estate' so I want to know if it's worth using.. 🙂

Thanks for the reply!

Postato : 29/01/2021 12:40 pm
Terry Sherman
Active Member
RE: Is the S-Holder Lever an official replacement for the buffer?

It’s my understanding that people found it fickle abs they worked best behind the printer, using a lot of space. The buffer was a way to make it less fickle and use less space. I never used them myself.


personally I use this:

Postato : 29/01/2021 1:46 pm