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Remotely connecting to LCD / control knob?  

Trusted Member
Remotely connecting to LCD / control knob?

I am looking for a completely minimal way to interface remotely with my MK3S+MMU2S.

Octoprint usually works but the number of times I have lost a print due to octoprint weirdness is not 0.  (Right now, for example, there is a bug where octoprint sometimes cancels an SD print if it is paused.)

I don't really use all the fancy features of octoprint; I print from the SD card anyways, using a flashair network-connected card.  All I really want to be able to do remotely is interact with the MK3S control directly (so that the only software bugs between me and my print are in the slicer code and the printer firmware, rather than also in the printer server).

I am wondering how feasible it would be to tap into the wires going to the control knob, reset button, and lcd screen to create a remote interface for the printer this way without interacting with the USB port at all.  (If need be, a second webcam could watch the LCD instead of interpreting the LCD input).    Has anyone tried anything like this?

Posted : 11/02/2020 7:23 pm
RE: Remotely connecting to LCD / control knob?

The button should be fairly easy but the encoder is going to be slightly challenging as it is not a binary output; the pins on a rotary encoder toggle in a certain way to indicate the direction it's being turned, so you'd have to do something to simulate that (or, alter the firmware to accept discrete up/down buttons and wire up some extra wires so you can "virtually press" those.


Posted : 12/02/2020 5:59 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Remotely connecting to LCD / control knob?

Ok thanks!  My next thought is to just connect directly over the serial connection:


Posted : 13/02/2020 12:46 am