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[Closed] Spitfire  

Active Member

Hi all

Any word if we are getting a spitfire for our mk3's?

In the meanwhile, have anyone tried printing the mk2 spitfire on mk3?
Would it be sufficient to just add M221 S95 to the file to get the correct flow going?


Posted : 08/01/2018 8:26 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Spitfire

I wouldn't expect a Mk3 specific slicing of it. The gcode supplied is the one that the 3dLabPrint guys sell on their site not created just for the Mk2.

Posted : 08/01/2018 9:09 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Spitfire

Ok thanks.

I'll just start tweaking the gcode for the one included with the mk2 then.

Posted : 08/01/2018 11:10 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Spitfire


Posted : 09/01/2018 1:21 am
Estimable Member
Re: Spitfire

Hmmm, now I'm curious to see what comes out. I copied the provided Spitfire g code to my SD card and fired off the print. It didn't lay down an intro line so the skirt line stuttered but it was flowing before it began the model. I printed what looked like the smallest part first to see if it prints ok on the mk3 printer. I figured g code is g code but that might just be my noob showing! lol.......I'll post what I get later. It's completed 22% so far.

Posted : 12/05/2018 3:21 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Spitfire

They will print fine, they’re just not ‘tuned’ specifically for the Mk3.

For some reason the guys at 3D Lab Print left out the priming strip on all of the plane files. Does tend to give a hit and miss start up.

Posted : 12/05/2018 4:03 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Spitfire

First piece is out. Seems fine to me? Ran the code as written, no alterations and 3D Solutech white PLA.

Printing the ailerons and misc file now.

Posted : 12/05/2018 7:11 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Spitfire

Ailerons and misc parts plate printed fine. Also did the right wing overnight, just shy of eleven hours to print that plate. Looks good except it has a few little blobs towards the trailing edge of the two largest parts of the wing. Looks very similar but smaller to what this poster had: Probably will just razor blade them lightly and sand. I didn't notice any lifting of the parts before I removed them from the build plate but there's a small, maybe 1/16" gap at the trailing edge where the two largest parts come together. Maybe a little sanding will close that up. Printing the left wing now.

Posted : 13/05/2018 4:06 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Spitfire

43 hours to print the whole plane on the mk3. Came out looking pretty good, some of the really thin wing tips warped and raised up off the bed. Not much, I think I can sand the edges lightly and improve the fit.

Posted : 15/05/2018 5:26 am
Trusted Member
Re: Spitfire

43 hours to print the whole plane on the mk3. Came out looking pretty good, some of the really thin wing tips warped and raised up off the bed. Not much, I think I can sand the edges lightly and improve the fit.

How did you get on with this, I'm getting lots of warping on the wing parts.

Posted : 05/03/2019 12:47 am
Estimable Member
Re: Spitfire

43 hours to print the whole plane on the mk3. Came out looking pretty good, some of the really thin wing tips warped and raised up off the bed. Not much, I think I can sand the edges lightly and improve the fit.

How did you get on with this, I'm getting lots of warping on the wing parts.

The little thin trailing edges on the widest of the wing sections were all I had trouble with, they would pull off the bed a mm or so. I did sand the mating faces on a flat surface to straighten them and then glued them up. Still had some small gaps but I bet it would fly. I wasn't planning on flying mine, I just wanted to see how the printer did on thin walls and those it did great.

Posted : 05/03/2019 2:19 am
Trusted Member
Re: Spitfire

43 hours to print the whole plane on the mk3. Came out looking pretty good, some of the really thin wing tips warped and raised up off the bed. Not much, I think I can sand the edges lightly and improve the fit.

How did you get on with this, I'm getting lots of warping on the wing parts.

The little thin trailing edges on the widest of the wing sections were all I had trouble with, they would pull off the bed a mm or so. I did sand the mating faces on a flat surface to straighten them and then glued them up. Still had some small gaps but I bet it would fly. I wasn't planning on flying mine, I just wanted to see how the printer did on thin walls and those it did great.

Thanks, I'm going to try to get mine flyable, will maybe try combination of sanding and filling if I can't get a warp free print. Wost warping is between the two largest sections of the left wiing (only printed one side so far, when I put them together at the centre I have about 1mm gap on the leading edge and close to 5mm at the back. That was printing with default gcode. I'm reprinting it with 220 nozzle and 70 bed, but still looks as if its lifting. If the end result looks better I'll redo it with 220/70 but drop live Z even further and sand the pei a little to see if better adhesion helps.

EDIT: One day later and we have a winner, reprinted the worst offender on the left wing, part 2, with 215/70 0.05mm closer to the bed and light sanding of the PEI sheet with 600 grit sandpaper, Result was completly flat to bed, no visible warping, Trying full plate of the right wing to see if it continues to work.

Posted : 05/03/2019 9:32 am
Eminent Member
Re: Spitfire

I successfully printed the spitfire on my MK3 using the stock gcodes that came with the MK2/2.5. Downloaded the older driver package to get them.

I too had issues with the wing roots lifting off the bed. I got them to print well, not quite perfect-- small gap at wing root when I joined the wing halves. I just laid some medium CA into the gap and hit it with accelerator and kept doing that to build it up flush with all surfaces. I used a glue stick and raised my bed temp to 70. I don't recommend changing the hotend temp. While 230 seems high, its perfect IMO for getting good layer adhesion.

Mine is built and had all electronics installed. Just waiting for father winter to get the hell out of town so I can maiden!

Posted : 06/03/2019 1:40 am