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Clicking at second layer with complex geometries  

Eminent Member
Clicking at second layer with complex geometries

Alright, for some reason, I'm all of a sudden I'm unable to print anything that has any sort of complexity to the first layer. I dialed in the first layer using calibration cubes and first layer tests, however after trying to print a replacement x carriage I've just been having trouble. The first layer goes down fine, but the moment the second layer starts I get continuous extruder clicking. Then I use the exact same code to make a cube which is just a square and it's fine. I have no idea why this is happening or where to start. An additional problem I just started having is ghosting in x and y on said cubes. I get an even amount on both axis without any change to settings other than layer height and first layer height, width, and z offset. This is all using petg with stock acceleration settings and 25-45mm/s speeds. The extrusion multiplier is almost perfect and I moved the printer to a solid platform that doesn't move unless I intentionally push it.  


PS I have also cold pulled to remove a little crap and increased my nozzle temp without any change in clicking

Posted : 14/11/2019 1:11 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Clicking at second layer with complex geometries

If first layer goes down smoothly and second layer has issues, speed is the only major difference beyond the optional nozzle/bed temp changes.

But having no photos that show the symptoms I am guessing.

Posted : 14/11/2019 4:39 am