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Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (final release)  

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Jakub Dolezal
Member Admin
Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 (final release)

There is a new release! Ready to test the redesigned supports at Slic3r PE 1.41.1-beta? 😎

Hi guys,
brand new Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0 is out! In this release we will focus on the upcoming Multi Material 2.0, continue improving the graphics (UI) and implementing accurate time estimate. Note this is a final release for all users. 😎 Slic3r PE 1.41.0 is included in the Original Prusa Drivers 2.2.0.

What is new?

Current release - Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0

This is a final version, which includes features and bug fixes introduced in alfa and beta releases, more info below

>> Place on the face - new feature, which enables you to select a face (surface) of the object, which will be in contact with the heatbed. Slic3r then rotates the object accordingly.

Duet / Reprap firmware upload functionality was ported from upstream by @mloidl

>> Bug fixes - there are some bug fixes in this final release, see the complete changelog on the GitHub


Previous release - Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-beta

>> Time estimates - in order to calculate print time estimates for the MMU2 Slic3r PE was updated with several new parameters, including filament load/unload times, which happen in the MMU2 unit. New Prusa3D specific G-code (M702 C) was introduced to unload the last filament at the end of print.

>> Minimum initial purge - to further improve the quality of the "wipe into infill" or "sacrificial object", a new parameter is introduced. After each tool change, the initial purge is done in the wipe tower to stabilize the filament pressure.

>> Improved wipe tower - the point of origin was moved from the centre to the top left corner, as a result, the tower will grow and shrink at the rear side only. Now, you can place the tower closer to the printed object and minimize travel times of the extruder.

>> Improved waste tower preview - the real size of the waste tower is not known until the model is sliced and this might be an issue while placing it. Starting this version of Slic3r PE the waste tower has a zigzag line indicating a direction to which the tower may grow or shrink.

>> Bug fixes - there are several bug fixes in this beta release, see the complete changelog on the GitHub


Previous release - Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

1. Multi Material 2.0 upgrade
Our latest hardware upgrade for the Original Prusa i3 MK3/MK2.5 brings new features, which will be adjustable in the Slic3r PE. Starting with this release we will include filament and printer settings for the MMU 2.0. Experienced users can go a little further and if needed adjust settings like:
- Filament settings: Advanced -> Number of cooling moves, Speed of the first/last cooling move
- Printer settings: Single extruder MM setup -> Extra loading distance

2. Wipe into infill and/or into a sacrificial object
One of the most requested features was the ability to wipe (clean) the filament into the printed object and therefore lower the amount of the filament used on the wipe tower. Please keep in mind, the wipe tower has to stay, at least for now. Although, it will be much smaller, than in the previous version.

Reasons for keeping the wipe tower are following:
- Ramming - rapid change of the filament, which is needed to shape the end of the unloaded filament (prevent strings). This process requires high speed and to ensure high quality of the printed object, this has to be done "outside" the printed object
- Purging - initial nozzle pressure stabilisation has to be also done using the wipe tower
- Not enough space - for smaller objects with lots of colour changes, the internal infill might not be enough

Our developers have implemented two new wiping methods:
A) Wipe to infill (purge to infill) - the first and most requested solution is to use the object's infill. At each layer, the perimeters are done with the correct colour and the colour change is done inside in the infill. You won't be able to recognise this technique unless you cut the printed object in half. In case your object has lots of colour changes with a small amount of infill, this way of wiping becomes insufficient and as a result, the printer has to use the wipe tower more often. Also in the case of translucent materials or less than 3 perimeter wall, we recommend using different wiping method.

B) Wipe into a sacrificial object (purge to object) - the second method brings a different approach to wiping the colour during the filament change. You need to place a second object on the heatbed with sufficient volume to clean the colours. It means you don't have to use the same object (same size and shape). As the name suggests this second object will be sacrificed in the name of the first one. What it means, is that the printer doesn't care, whether the colour change is at the perimeter or in the infill of the second object. In the end, the first object has all the colours as designed, but the second one is... well, colourful 🙂

3. Reworked object arrangement:
Arranging objects on the heatbed seems pretty obvious for the user, but for the software engine, it is a quite complicated process involving lots of calculations. Previously implemented automatic arrangement is replaced in the current build by a brand new one, which is based on papers referred by svgnest.

The new arranging algorithm is way smarter compared to the old one. While auto-arranging the objects on the heatbed, those which do not fit, are not placed all around, but on a virtual heatbed(s) to the right. Also those objects are not sliced, saving the overall time. Still, there is a room for improvement, as we would like to teach this system to use concave corners and cavities of other objects.

4. Accurate time estimate for the stealth (silent) mode
Original Prusa i3 MK3 can operate in two modes. The "Normal" one gives the printer full power so the printer can print up to its maximal speeds. In the "Stealth" mode the printer has limited power and speed to achieve silent operation. However, this affects the overall performance and prints take longer. Until now, Slic3r PE was estimating time only for the Normal mode, but starting this release it takes into account also the Stealth mode, therefore the time estimate is counted twice. To make this work, make sure you update to the latest print settings 0.2.0-alpha.

5. "Remaining time to finish" feature implemented
The second most wanted feature from our user base was the option to display, how much time remains to finish the print. Starting this release of Slic3r PE a new M73 code is added and the printer will inform the user about the time remaining. This value is refreshed every minute and works both for the Normal and Stealth (silent) mode. Please note you need firmware 3.3.0 or higher.

The format of the new M code is the following:
M73 Pxxx Qxxx Rxxx Sxxx
where P is the percentage of the total time already printed in normal (aka full power) mode, R is the time remaining for normal mode in minutes, Q is the percentage of the total time printed in the stealth mode, and S is the time remaining to the end of print in the stealth mode.

6. Rotation & scaling of the object
As Josef already mentioned, PrusaControl and Slic3r PE will merge into one ultimate slicing tool. Our developers had started porting the useful features from PrusaControl to Slic3r. In the previous release we introduced the texture for the heatbed and in this release, we are adding tools to manipulate the object(s). You can rotate them around Z axis and scale them uniformly. Other features from PrusaControl will be added in the next release.

7. Profiles stored in the AMF/3MF/Config files
This feature was partly implemented in the previous Slic3r PE release and starting this release the profile names and profile dependencies are stored in the AMF/3MF/Config files. Once the AMF/3MF file is loaded, the stock (factory) presets are reactivated, if their values are still equal to the parameters stored in the AMF/3MF file (for example 0.20mm FAST for the MK3). If some of the parameters differ, the name of the original profile is mentioned in the name of the loaded profile, while the link to the system profile is correctly maintained.

8. Upgraded "out of build volume" detection
Starting Slic3r PE 1.40.0 we introduced a check, whether the object is larger than the build volume. It the latest release we are upgrading this feature, as the previous one didn't take into account the auxiliary extrusions (supports, brim, skirt and wipe tower). As soon as the slicing is finished, this check runs again and in the Preview tab, the background will turn red if any part of the printed model is out of the build volume.

9. "2D platter view" removed
Starting this release the 2D view tab is removed as it was incompatible with all the new features.

10. Bug fixes
- Added tool tips over the preset combo boxes at the Plater (works on Windows and Linux)#960
- Fixed a crash in Slic3r 1.40.1 when opening the Help -> System Info dialog #1034.
- Fixed an issue when saving a modified profile, which originated from an AMF or 3MF file #1035.
- ... and many others, see the full changelog


Supported printers:
Original Prusa i3 MK3
Original Prusa i3 MK3 Multi Material 2.0 (new)
Original Prusa i3 MK2.5
Original Prusa i3 MK2/S
Original Prusa i3 MK2/S Multi Material 1.0

Download link: (recommended) (direct link)

Full changelog:

Please report any bug here:

We look forward to your feedback!

Disclaimer: Please stay on topic. Any offtopic questions regarding the availability of the MMU 2.0 will result in me removing Haribo bears from your package! 😈

Assembly manuals

/ Knowledge Base
The guy behind Prusa assembly manuals...

Posted : 23/07/2018 2:52 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

in this and other releases, i noticed when i send the gcode to my printer through octoprint, the rename panel never shows the full file name in the window without clicking anything. in the screenshot, the full file name is 3dbenchy, but only shows benchy. is this easy to fix?

Posted : 31/07/2018 3:53 am
Trusted Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

I have the same issue. The text field is always scrolled to the right. The content is okay though.

- Noctua fan 40mm
- MK2/MK3 hybrid extruder

Posted : 31/07/2018 9:49 am
Jakub Dolezal
Member Admin
Topic starter answered:
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

Noted and forwarded to devs 😉

Assembly manuals

/ Knowledge Base
The guy behind Prusa assembly manuals...

Posted : 31/07/2018 10:44 am
Laird Popkin
Estimable Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

It would vastly improve efficiency of multi-color printing if the slicer didn't slice each object as if it were stand-alone and then merge them, which is what it looks like it's doing now, because there's wasted "exterior walls" between the objects where they meet in the interior of the object. For example, everywhere that there are walls with two colors touching, like the black, orange and yellow parts of the example in the photo above, the walls are all wasted plastic - they could just be infill, which uses perhaps 10% as much plastic to fill the volume. And by treating the interior as a single object, printing would not only use much less plastic, it would speed the print - both by wasting less time printing unneeded plastic, but also because the interior fill would be a simple grid instead of a very complex set of shapes.

Yes, I know it's a complicated problem to solve. But if the slicer knew that it was slicing a single object, and that the color only mattered in the shell, it could dramatically improve speed and efficiency of multi-color printing.

An approach that I could imagine is that you union the objects and generate volumes for the outer shell and the interior, then slice each object's intersection with the outer shell separately, and slice the intersection of the interior with the union of the objects.

For example, this OpenSCAD does this:

module shape1() {
color("yellow") cube(10);

module shape2() {
color("red") translate([10,0,0]) cube(10);

module shape3() {
color("blue") translate([10,10,0]) cube(10);

module shape4() {
color("green") translate([0,10,0]) cube(10);

module onePiece() {
union() {

// Universe cube must be bigger than part being loaded
universe_x = 1000;
universe_y = 1000;
universe_z = 1000;

// t is thickness of shell
t = 2;

// Name of part to convert to shell (must be in same directory)
part_to_shell = onePiece;

module shell() {
intersection() {
minkowski() {
difference () {
// Universe cube
translate([-universe_x/2, -universe_y/2, -universe_z/2 ])
cube([universe_x, universe_y, universe_z]);
// Original part
// Tool for the minkowski shell
sphere(r=t, center=true);

// put the color shells and then the interior shapes:

intersection() { shell(); shape1();}
translate([25,0,0]) intersection() { shell(); shape2();}
translate([50,0,0]) intersection() { shell(); shape3();}
translate([75,0,0]) intersection() { shell(); shape4();}

translate([100,0,0]) difference() { onePiece(); shell(); }

Posted : 31/07/2018 5:26 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

when i rotate a 3d file to get a better orientation on the build plate, it wont sit flat on the build plate, but if i slice it and go to preview tab, it displays the layers properly. if i go back to 3d tab, its still below the build plate.

Posted : 01/08/2018 5:58 am
Reputable Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

It would vastly improve efficiency of multi-color printing if the slicer didn't slice each object as if it were stand-alone and then merge them, which is what it looks like it's doing now, because there's wasted "exterior walls" between the objects where they meet in the interior of the object. For example, everywhere that there are walls with two colors touching, like the black, orange and yellow parts of the example in the photo above, the walls are all wasted plastic - they could just be infill, which uses perhaps 10% as much plastic to fill the volume. And by treating the interior as a single object, printing would not only use much less plastic, it would speed the print - both by wasting less time printing unneeded plastic, but also because the interior fill would be a simple grid instead of a very complex set of shapes.

Ummm. That's a jigsaw puzzle. Those walls are supposed to be there.

Posted : 01/08/2018 8:04 am
Reputable Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

when i rotate a 3d file to get a better orientation on the build plate, it wont sit flat on the build plate, but if i slice it and go to preview tab, it displays the layers properly. if i go back to 3d tab, its still below the build plate.

Same here...

Posted : 01/08/2018 1:19 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

Thank you for all the hard work on this but why is the 2D tab being removed? Am I the only one using it to precisely position objects on the build plate?

Posted : 01/08/2018 10:42 pm
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

Thank you for all the hard work on this but why is the 2D tab being removed? Am I the only one using it to precisely position objects on the build plate?

I too use it from time to time and will miss the 2D view...

Have a look at my models on 😉

Posted : 01/08/2018 11:55 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

Are there plans to be able to have a UI to rotate items around the y axis? I feel like I do this more often then rotate around the x axis.

Posted : 02/08/2018 1:21 am
Active Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

I'm hoping the new Slic3r retains the ability to type in rotation angles. It looks like it's heading toward the Cura gui-based method which I find rather clunky to use.

Posted : 02/08/2018 2:19 am
Trusted Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

I'm hoping the new Slic3r retains the ability to type in rotation angles. It looks like it's heading toward the Cura gui-based method which I find rather clunky to use.

I don't even think there is a slight chance of that going away.

Prusa knows there are times where you want precise rotations like that.

Plus even Prusa Control still has the ability to type in rotation values.

Posted : 02/08/2018 2:29 am
Estimable Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

I would like to have a quick and simple cut and alignment pin option for objects. I know meshmixer dose it but i would prefer not to have to keep swaping programs and saving files all the time.

Posted : 02/08/2018 3:04 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

Are there plans to be able to have a UI to rotate items around the y axis? I feel like I do this more often then rotate around the x axis.
Prusa has stated that they're merging PrusaControl with Slic3rPE, so anything in the PC interface will likely be there. A GUI rotation with configurable snap points would be awesome. I really dislike Cura's rotation feature. For all its quirks, KISS' "make axis up" selection is grand.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 02/08/2018 3:25 am
Trusted Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

Are there plans to be able to have a UI to rotate items around the y axis? I feel like I do this more often then rotate around the x axis.
Prusa has stated that they're merging PrusaControl with Slic3rPE, so anything in the PC interface will likely be there. A GUI rotation with configurable snap points would be awesome. I really dislike Cura's rotation feature. For all its quirks, KISS' "make axis up" selection is grand.

I'm pretty sure PrusaControl only has gui x-rotation currently as well, actually. Unless I am overlooking something.

Posted : 02/08/2018 3:47 am
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

I have a question on the Slic3r program.

First off Slic3r is GREAT and using with Octoprint.

Question is: The bridging on the print has spacing I wish to get closer on and get more of solid surface from it instead of strings.

How to adjust this.
It is only happening bottom side of my print and the first layer after the supports.

Posted : 02/08/2018 4:22 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

[...] Question is: The bridging on the print has spacing I wish to get closer on and get more of solid surface from it instead of strings.

How to adjust this.
It is only happening bottom side of my print and the first layer after the supports.
Bridging has been one of my big disappointments with 3D printing. I'm no expert, but I've played around with Simplify 3D, Slic3r, Cura and KISS. In my experience, you can mitigate bridging somewhat, but you are not going to get smooth results with the current generation of software or FDM products unless you go with something like dissolvable supports. If you configure no space between the supports and model, you've created a permanent stand. If you add some sort of gap, the 1st layer above it will be stingy. It's printing "on air" essentially, so extrusions will be round.

You can adjust the Z distance between support and part under Print Settings->Support material->Options for support material and raft->Contact Z distance in Slic3rPE 1.40.1+. I've not tried the alpha yet, so I'm not sure it hasn't moved. Again, a 0 will give a fixed interface between layers, so is only useful for dissolvable materials on the i3. I've had good luck with 0.25mm, though others say 0.15mm works. You can experiment with the other settings for the support itself, but don't expect "smooth" undersides.

You might be better off rotating the part, hiding the side with supports, or slicing the model and gluing it for good surfaces. YMMV, of course, so do try experimenting.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 02/08/2018 4:51 am
Jonathan Kayne
Trusted Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

Are there plans to be able to have a UI to rotate items around the y axis? I feel like I do this more often then rotate around the x axis.
Prusa has stated that they're merging PrusaControl with Slic3rPE, so anything in the PC interface will likely be there. A GUI rotation with configurable snap points would be awesome. I really dislike Cura's rotation feature. For all its quirks, KISS' "make axis up" selection is grand.

I hope they add a feature like the "Align to print surface" in Simplify3D, where you select a triangle on the bottom of your model and it rotates it to be flat with the print surface.
According to the GitHub, they are planning on adding that feature, or it has been requested a few times. Either way, that was one of my favorite features of Simplify3D, and since using Slic3r PE, I've missed using the feature.

Jonathan Kayne
Virginia Tech Class of 2021 - Electrical Engineering
Thingiverse Profile: "I am always thinking about making. My future begins when I wake up and see the light." - Miles Davis

Posted : 02/08/2018 7:04 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.0-alpha3

[...] I hope they add a feature like the "Align to print surface" in Simplify3D, where you select a triangle on the bottom of your model and it rotates it to be flat with the print surface.
According to the GitHub, they are planning on adding that feature, or it has been requested a few times. Either way, that was one of my favorite features of Simplify3D, and since using Slic3r PE, I've missed using the feature.
I've found at least one feature that I really like in each slicer that's missing from the others. For me, the killer features that keep me hopping between slicers are:

  • Simplify 3D: Custom supports, ability to save "factory files" with print settings and STL models placed. Makes re-printing a job later with tweaked settings much easier. Per-model and per-layer adjustable print settings (processes).

  • Slic3rPE: Volumetric speed settings to avoid need for endless speed tweaking. Good separation between printer, print job and filament settings. Custom g-code for filaments. Gyroid infill. Ability to do some scripting in gcode.

  • Cura: Nice surface options. I like the ability to add extra perimeters for top and bottom layers, ironing, automatic variable layer height. Ability to set either layer/shell thickness or perimeter count.

  • Kiss: Automatic variable layer height (really interesting approach). Layer seam tweaking. Ability to lock settings to a model (close to S3D). Separation between printer, print job and filament settings. Custom filament gcode. All sorts of weird and wonderful settings I'm only starting to comprehend.
  • Unfortunately, each one seems to have one or more limitations that are deal killers for some situations or everyday usage. Hopefully, somebody will compile a list of "best of" features for incorporation into "The One" slicer to rule them all. If Slic3r could add custom support placement, it would cover 95% of my needs.

    My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

    and miscellaneous other tech projects
    He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

    Posted : 02/08/2018 7:22 pm
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