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Trouble extruding filament on first layer calibration  

New Member
Trouble extruding filament on first layer calibration


I've been having this problem for quite some time now on my mk3. I bought the bondtech extruder and upgraded the fireware thinking the probe angle was the issue but I still can't seem to get a decent thick first layer down. I've checked the head, not clogged, ran the wizard and did the XYZ calibration from the assembly guide a couple of times with no better results. Here's a first layer I ran after cleaning the bed with the hotend at 255 and the bed at 100.

Posted : 21/04/2020 9:30 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Trouble extruding filament on first layer calibration

Hi Ralotti, 
that bed does NOT look clean to me, it looks to have something smeared across it. 
You may have wiped it with IPA or something similar, but it appears that you have simply  spread the grease around more evenly

Now to your issue...   
Are you using 7x7 Mesh Bed levelling (Senses 49 points on the build plate instead of the normal 9 sense points) you turn this on using your LCD Menu. 
The Prusa First layer calibration   tool is not easy to use...  (As you have found)  Please consider using Jeff Jordan's "Life Adjust 'Z' my Way" process  
Link below!

here is a zip file at the bottom of the first post, which includes three test patches, 
One each for :-


and ABS

remember, you can actually adjust the Live Z whilst the test patches are running. 

to me, it looks like your current Live Z is too high...  (too small a negative number)

regards Joan

Note! this suggestion often causes people to grumble...  (it is actually a recommended prusa option... )
I wash my build plates in the sink, using hot water and Dish soap., then rinse well with hot water, and dry immediately, with plain paper towels.. 
you may well benefit from trying this approach! 

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 22/04/2020 1:16 pm
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: Trouble extruding filament on first layer calibration

First layer is to high, you can see this because your line are not 90 degrees corner.

Clean bed with dish soap only, if it works do a few print with cleaning with alcohol, then clean again with dish soap.

First layer and a clean bed is the most importend to get a good print.

How to do a first layer.

Posted : 22/04/2020 6:39 pm