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Vertical printing problems  

New Member
Vertical printing problems

Hi, I just started to "play" with my new mini prusa. I have already made several very satisfying prints but I have a problem when the object develops vertically. As the print rises, the nozzle does not seem to rise proportionally with the result that after 20/30 mm the nozzle is printed it is too close (attached) to the model. Get to the point of pushing and then peeling off the print. The first layers look great. There appears to be a cumulative error (layer by layer). To make the idea if I printed a stack horizontally, perfect, if I printed it vertically almost impossible.
Sorry for the translation, but I speak Italian.

Ciao, ho da poco iniziato a “giocare” con la mia nuova prusa mini. Ho già fatto diverse stampe molto soddisfacenti ma ho un problema quando l’oggetto sviluppa in verticale. Man mano che la stampata sale, l’ugello sembra non salire in proporzione con il risultato che dopo 20/30 mm si stampa l’ugello è troppo vicino (attaccato) al modello. Arriva al punto di spingere e poi staccare la stampa. I primi strati sembrano ottimi. Sembra che ci sia un errore cumulativo (strato su strato). Per rendere l’idea se stampassi una pila in orizzontale, perfetta, se la stampassi in verticale quasi impossibile. 

Posted : 09/05/2020 10:23 am
New Member
RE: Vertical printing problems

Did you ever get an answer or figure this out?

I'm having the same issue. Generally delicate structures are the first to get broken off (support material). You can see the nozzle getting closer, eventually wiggling the structure with every new layer until finally breaking it off.

I believe it may be over extruding, but I can't figure out how to adjust for over extruding on each layer.

Posted : 02/06/2020 8:11 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Vertical printing problems

It might be prints that dont stick to the bed well. Try cleaning your bed with isopropyl alcohol in order to be free of oil and try again. Other than than you can do some tests to check if you have a problem with your z axis by printing a a cube or similar structure and check if the dimensions are correct or if its shorter on Z. Also clean your Z smooth rods and lube them after according to the manual. 

Original Prusa Mini + Smooth PEI
Prusa Slicer 2.6.0

Posted : 03/06/2020 7:05 am